Friday, April 15, 2011

Your Body Your Planet Your Health

Welcome to Panacea an Eco-oasis located in Toronto. Where you will find an array of products that are ALL great for your body and good for the earth. Some of us worry about the state of the world we occupy and are wondering how can we do our part in easing the stress on this place we call Home. It is easier than you think, and being friendly to the environment, makes breathing easier both for you and our children. Little and simple steps can be made such as changing the Soap we use on our Body. What's wonderful about Ground Soap all soaps are hand-made, there are no preservatives or synthetic & they are dye free. And with their ingredients your day will certainly be off to a sweet start. Using a Hand made Organic Soap is a small way to start but a huge step for the environment. To find out more about this product visit their site Try an Eco-friendly Detergent & Fabric Softener, which is gentle on your clothing, which in turn is gentle on your skin. Looking to give your body a great boost, why not try a Supplement that is Gluten free...Vegan & Dairy free. Your body will be thanking you in more ways than one. I think being Canadian and loving Maple syrup goes hand in hand. Here is a Maple Syrup that is made in Canada and 100% pure, did you know Maple Syrup & Sugar combo makes a great and inexpensive Body Scrub. If some happens to get in your mouth..just eat it :) since you are well aware of the ingredients. For both our Little & Big kids with a sweet tooth and who may have an intolerance for Lactose. Welcome to Purely Decadent Lactose-free Icecream you can enjoy your Icecream in a bowl or a Gluten-free Icecream cone. For the Cheese Lovers. Daiya makes a delicious Gluten & Dairy-free Cheddar. So whether you are looking for great Organic products, Gluten & Diary-free produts, Vegan products. Products that will make you feel better, look great, taste good and friendly to the environment. Stop by Panacea and discover all the great products they have to offer. While there if you have any questions speak with Ken the owner he will gladly help you.

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