Monday, April 6, 2009

Wedding Cake Cold Sweats!!

July 2009 I will be making a Wedding Cake for a friend of mine, I am elated that she came to me to do this important job, for such an important day. I am confident that I will be able to pull it off, and the cake will be as stunning as the bride. But somewhere deep deep deep down I have moments of intrepidation, I am so confident, I can rule the world, so why am I feeling this?

I want the cake to be perfect, I want the weather to be perfect and I want the bride and guest to say "Perfect Best Tasting Cake" ever.

And then I came across one of my Fav Blogs, and here was someone who was felt a bit of what I am feeling,when she took on the task of making a Wedding Cake herself, so I was able to relax a bit...just a bit.

When the big day arrives and ends, I will come back to you with play by play details. I will do just fine and the cake will be fabulous...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

by the looks ofsomeof your treats here and on your website....I think you will blow them away!!
good luck!