Friday, April 3, 2009

Rain Rain Go Away!

I was up late lastnight baking and packaging Samples I had to take to a business meeting today. I am smart & ambitious and trying to juggle marriage, motherhood and friendships. Yes friendships, without my friends, I would go BONKERS.

And still today folks think, that ''SAHM'' aka stay at home mothers life is a breeze. Yes it was a choice made by us, and yes some days are an ocean breeze, but others days, you are so busy, you say to yourself, it's 5pm

Had about 3hrs sleep, which is those that know me, understands why it is a crime, I love sleep, or is it, that sleep lovesss me?

I'm up dress and ready to head to my meeting @ Holt Renfrew check the weather, and low and below, it's raining cats, dogs and I think sheep too.

I'm a jeans & t-shirt kind of gal, but days like today, I'm looking hot as hot can be, in my dress pants, beautiful top and sexy till you drop shoes, and make-up on point.
Now how do I get to my meeting looking great and not like a wet fowl, let me tell you it was a doozy.

Happy to report meeting went well, so now the waiting game begins.

Now it's off to meeting number two, I got to this meeting, looking a hot mess, let me repeat it, a hot mess.
There were no cabs or buses to take, I had to walk. With umbrella in hand I walked, and walked. And my umbrella fell apart, and my bag fell into a puddle, wha wha wha wha. And remember my sexy shoes, not so sexy now..
So now I am at Sage Cafe, meeting Yvonne of Hey Do You. What a quaint little spot and the food was really good. Meeting her was wonderful, she had a lot of info that as a Small Business owner will come in handy.

Yvonne made a statement that will stay with me for life. Of course we all want to look good all the times, and we would like to have a great Louis Vitton Bag, a well made dress by Valentino, and shoes from Manola.
But hello hello, some of us cannot have them, and I am not going to go out and Rent, yes I did say Rent a designer bag for a week, give me a nutcracker break.

Forget all the brands and think of yourself first, what do I mean by that?
You are a Brand, I am a Brand, we are our own Brands. Sure we are not a Designer brand, and some people may not care for us. You know your worth and you are Priceless.
It's Friday and I am off to relax, so have a good one.

1 comment:

PD said...

congrats on the blog..hope you can chill this weekend. Least the rain is due to stop! :)